desert raven design

Desert Raven Design

As a child, I grew up going to Santa Fe with my grandmother each year. Captivated by the whirling, twirling ravens—cleverly calling out, soaring beside us on our hikes...

There's something about the desert... The skin and bones and unfiltered buzzing of the rock formations, obsidian "tears" dotting the ground. Lizards and sage and indian paintbrush. It seems to go on forever...

The raven has long been revered as a bridge between the known and the unknown—a messenger who carries cosmic wisdom on wing. A symbol of clarity, truth and transformation. 

Like the raven, I seek to bring clarity through playful creation. Bringing forth what lies below the surface, harnessing the innate wisdom of intuition. Co-creating with groups, even with the material upon which I draw.

I ask myself: What wants to be born?